Allison Ottley
Mind, Body, Spirit, Voice

Services, Rates, Classes & Events

Intuitive Healing Session

90 minutes: 100-125 sliding scale

**Online sessions available by request**

For those ready and willing to take a deeper dive:
Our bodies contain the truth of our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs. Intuitive hands-on healing is a practice that relies on the body's energetic systems (meridians, qi, and chakras or energy centers)  to locate and correct the body's natural energy flow.  In our muscles and the nervous system, we hold patterns of belief as well as trauma. Even from our ancestors (epigenetics).  All these things help guide us to create the life we choose to live. When the body and mind have settled on beliefs that no longer serve our life's purpose, Intuitive Healing can help shift and guide us back to peace through the ancient techniques passed down through thousands of years. When your spirit feels your purpose.

Allison uses various modalities and techniques. Each session and person is different. A session can include various forms of energy work. Reiki, CranioSacral, Shamanic Journeying, Sound Healing, Aromatherapy, Breathwork, and more. You WILL be given homework.  




Allison and her husband Michael also offer Tandem Healing Sessions online or in person.  Text or email to schedule this service.


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CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

90 minutes: 100-125 sliding scale

CranioSacral Therapy:

CranioSacral Therapy is a profoundly gentle and holistic approach to healing that honors the deep connection between the physical and emotional aspects of our being. It revolves around the idea that our bodies have an inherent wisdom, often referred to as our "life force" which flows through the craniosacral system. This system includes the brain, spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds them. This natural rhythm is considered a reflection of the universal life force that flows through all of us.

During a CranioSacral session, which is done fully clothed, the therapist uses a gentle touch to listen to and facilitate the body's own innate healing abilities, tapping into its intelligence and helping it regain balance and harmony. The therapist acts as a guide, assisting in the release of spiritual and emotional blockages, which can manifest as physical discomfort or disconnection from one's essence.

People often turn to CranioSacral Therapy when they're seeking a deeper healing connection to themselves, when they're dealing with the weight of past traumas or emotional imbalances, or when they simply want to enhance their well-being. It's a way to align the body, mind, and spirit, allowing the spiritual energy to flow freely.

SomatoEmotional Release:

SomatoEmotional Release (Soma means "body) is a method that recognizes the spiritual significance of emotions and their impact on our overall well-being. It helps individuals release and heal from emotional wounds that are often held within the body as energetic imprints. In a spiritual sense, these trapped emotions can be seen as obstacles to our soul's journey.

This therapy allows us to communicate with our body on a spiritual level, encouraging it to let go of these emotional burdens. It's a bit like offering a sacred space for our emotions to be acknowledged, honored, and released. The therapist acts as a guide, using dialogue, imagery, movement, breath, and intention to help us connect with and release these stored emotions.

People often turn to SomatoEmotional Release when they seek deeper healing, a more tangible connection with their inner selves, and a release of emotional baggage that may be holding them back on their spiritual journey. It's a way to free the spirit from emotional burdens and align with one's higher self.

Both of these therapies are paths to self-discovery and inner healing, enabling individuals to connect with their spiritual essence, release emotional burdens, and find greater alignment with their higher selves. They honor the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, offering a way to attain a deeper spiritual and well-being.


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Kansa Marma Head & Facial Treatment

90 minutes: 100-125 sliding scale


In most traditional forms of medicine such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, there exist correlations, (a map) of your entire body on your face.  By treating the face, you're caring for the whole body.

One-third of all your body's lymph nodes are concentrated above the chest, which means that stimulating lymph flow at your body's highest point, your head, helps the rest of it move as well. This treatment is also like a hug for your nervous system.

The use of the Kansa wand in this treatment goes even deeper. Kansa was developed over 5000 years ago, the first form of bronze. In India, it is called "The Healing Metal".  In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, it is known to have extraordinary beauty enhancing and soothing properties, Kansa has a powerful effect as a stress reliever, for relaxation and the subtle body energies.  

This treatment begins with Ayurvedic oiling of the ears and nostrils. Potential benefits of Karna Purana (ear) and Nasya (nostrils) can include:

  • Reduction of dryness or itching
  • Prevents chronic infection
  • Reduces tinnitus
  • Reduces tension in the neck and/or jaw (TMJ)
  • Relieves headaches
  • Relieves or prevents vertigo
  • Reduces congestion from wax or mucus overproduction
  • Purifying from effects of pollution

This treatment incorporates jojoba oil, rosewater, a hydrating mask, rose infused olive oil, lavender hydrosol, neck and shoulder kansa and hot stone massage, and warm towels throughout. All the products used in this treatment are organic and handmade.

It is your responsibility to inform your therapist about any allergies you have each time you come to the studio.





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Therapeutic Voice Lessons

90 minutes: $90

Although I have been trained as and perform as a professional singer, this work has very little to do with singing. Somatic Voice Therapy is an embodied exploration of the voice, our stories around our voices, and our emotional connection to our voices. These sessions help develop a deeper relationship to the Self and emotions through musical expression and self-exploration.

This is for you if you:

  • have ever felt like words were caught in your throat
  • want to better connect with your emotions
  • have felt your voice was “too quiet”
  • don’t like the sound of your own voice
  • have tried every calming technique but just can’t seem to relax

Goal areas we can work on:

  • Learning relaxation techniques
  • Building awareness of physical and emotional self
  • Gaining self-confidence
  • Increasing self-esteem
  • Discovering your authentic voice
  • Liking your voice
  • Speaking and singing louder

…and more!             

Bring a notebook and/or a voice recorder and an idea of what you want to work on related to your voice (a song, a more powerful voice, speaking authentically). You will be given homework. First session is 90 minutes, following sessions can be 60 or 30 minutes for $60/hr. (followup sessions must be booked directly with me, not online.)


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90 minutes: $100-$125

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body.

As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.

90 mins $100-125



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Ceremonial Rites of Passage

varies: by donation

In our American "culture", we have very few moments that honor the big changes in our lives. Birth, Death & Dying, Marriage, Divorce, Grieving loss of all kinds, Puberty, Cronehood, Elderhood, so much that is ignored and we're just expected to deal with on our own. My ministry is about creating ceremony around these moments. Weddings, baby naming ceremonies, blessingways (for mothers-to-be, not a baby shower), divorce ceremonies, Grief Tending Riatual, wakes, hospice care, home cleansing, pretty much any moment on this trip around the sun. If you can experience it, we can ceremonialize it to help you honor and move through it. Please contact me directly to discuss your particular situation.  My contact information is HERE.

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60 minutes: $75-$95

Want to "pick my brain"?  HIRE ME! My skills and peace have come from many years of deep work, trial and error, tragedy and triumph.  This session can be in person or online. The first session will be scheduled for 90 minutes just to allow for clarity, but we may not use that much time. 


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Grief Tending Ritual

3 hours: $50+

Saturday, April 27, 2024 10am - 1pm in Holladay, UT

co-hosted with Jennifer Agape

You may be grieving the loss of loved ones, a loss of income, a loss of lifestyle, a loss of the illusion of certainty. You may be grieving with loneliness or the longing for more alone time. Maybe you’re grieving the suffering of others; grieving violent deaths, systemic racism or grieving the inequity across the globe. Maybe you’re grieving the ongoing destruction of our beautiful natural world, the many giant wildfires, the extinction of species, the loss of wilderness. Or perhaps your grief is for the divisiveness and meanness unfolding in polarized culture. Perhaps your grief is for pregnancy loss, a pet dying, difficult relationships, health crises. Maybe you’re carrying all of this and even more.

Join us in a soft communal place to welcome these feelings without anyone attempting to fix you. Join us in a place where you can let yourself acknowledge and release the weight that makes your chest and guts and jaw clench. Wouldn’t it be nice to know you’re not alone in this very humbling human experience of grief?

Our time together will include:

  • gentle grounding practices to help us unwind and soften the bracing we carry in our bodies,
  • authentic conversation and compassionate listening,
  • soulful poetry,
  • guided writing and sharing in small groups,
  • and will conclude with a community grief ritual.

Please know that it’s a come-as-you-are gathering with zero pressure as to how you express grief or not. You may weep, you may be a quiet witness, you may be numb, you may be surprised. However you come, your presence is a valued thread in our community tapestry. All that’s required is your humanity and your willingness to be present and bear witness with compassion. You’re welcome to come whether you are grieving, tearful, pissed off, numb, awkward, or full of trepidation. You are welcome just as you are. 

To have your grief held and witnessed in the compassionate space of community is a gift. To witness the grief others carry, with compassion, is a gift.  It’s no longer “MY grief.” It’s just grief, and something each of us carries. We are not alone.

Register with a $50 donation or more through my Venmo, PayPal or contact me for other options. Space is limited.

To schedule a one-on-one Grief Tending Ritual or for a group, please contact me directly. Community Grief Tending Rituals will be offered quarterly and announced in my newsletter.

If you do not currently receive my newsletter, sign up HERE.

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Teotihuacán Tour of Myth and Magic

Journey into Authenticity, Courage and Inner Freedom

Teotihuacán Tour of Myth and Magic

September 4 - 11, 2024  

San Sebastián Xolalpa/Teotihuacán, México  




Join us in deep transformational work dissolving fears & false beliefs, awakening consciousness and experiencing a place from which we can create a new life, at the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacán, Mexico. In dreaming journeys and awareness practices, it will become clear that the worst things about your past, and the biggest fears about your future aren’t nearly as painful and heavy as carrying them in your inner world every day. Releasing those fears, emotional pains, and stories becomes the focus of your intent. In a ceremony that embraces the life cycle of death you are guided to let them go, as well as your past self that was attached to them. Everything temporal dies, and we can use this wisdom to let the past die also. The fear and need to control are replaced with relief in letting go. Spending time in the dwellings of the masters that lived here 2000 years ago, you can feel their eternal consciousness and let it guide you to open your heart and inner vision.

$2000 per person (double occupancy) also includes: 

  • 7 nights/8 days lodging at The Dreaming House

  • 3 lovingly prepared meals a day (accommodating to all diets) 

  • a private van for our group, transporting us between the airport, our accommodations and sites 

  • entrance fees and experienced guides at archeological pilgrimage sites and museums

  • free time for quiet reflection and connection 

  • optional plant medicine ceremony & archaeological excursions

For more information, contact Michael Thomas


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Payment & Policy

FORMS OF PAYMENT: I prefer Cash.  Venmo is a strong 2nd. I accept Credit/Debit Cards for an additional service fee.

WHAT IS A SLIDING SCALE AND HOW DO I KNOW HOW MUCH TO PAY? The sliding scale is offered so that you pay what works for YOU. Some of us have a little more than others, and others of us struggle to get what we need. The lowest end of my sliding scale is considerably less than the going rate in town and the high end being fairly comparable. You can tip on top of any amount, but it is not expected or required. 


I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. In order to re-schedule or cancel an appointment, the client must provide 24 hours notice. If the client fails to show up to a scheduled appointment or fails to provide 24 hours notice to a requested change in appointment time, the client will be responsible and will be invoiced for the cost of the appointment at the minimum on the sliding scale. The same rules apply to redemption of a gift certificate. If the client does not show up to a scheduled appointment, the certificate will become void. I value my client’s time as well as my own. I keep this policy to best serve my clients as well as manage my time efficiently. Thank you for understanding that this is my livelihood.


IF YOU ARE SICK, please cancel your appointment. Even though it seems like something that feels good would help, not only can massage or energy work make your illness worse, you can share your bug with me. No thanks! 

IF YOU ARE LATE for your appointment, your session will still end at the scheduled time. I will not make my next client wait because you are late. If you have not shown up by 20 minutes after your scheduled appointment, you will be counted as a no-show and will be invoiced for the full amount of the session. Please remember that this is my livelihood and the time you reserved is your responsibility.

Please arrive a few minutes early to use the restroom and get settled before our session. It's easier for everyone that way. Thank you for your respect and consciousness.

ALLERGIES  It is your responsibility to inform your therapist about any allergies you have each time you come to the studio.

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